Millennials Don't Want More Gun Control, Poll Says

Millennials Don't Want More Gun Control, Poll Says

Photo credit: iStock

Who doesn’t like starting the month off with some good news? Just in time for the first day of August, a new Gallup and NBC News poll confirms what most American hunters and shooters already knew: Millennials are less likely to support stricter gun laws compared to Americans over age 30. The shot in the arm for gun owners means anti-American-freedom U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is out of luck as Americans born in the 1980s and ’90s aren’t so quick to embrace her anti-NRA, anti-gun, anti-hunting platform.

But don’t think this means hunters and shooters have won America’s culture war. Respondents between the ages of 18-29 were 50/50 on the question of increasing gun control. As shared by Sporting Classics Daily, results from the remaining age groups were as follows: ages 30-49 were 57 percent in favor of stricter gun control; ages 50-64 were 56 percent in favor of it; and ages 65 and older were 55 percent in favor of it. The close margins across the board highlight the importance of public education when it comes to preserving the right of all law-abiding Americans to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment.

For a testament to education, a poll conducted by ABC News and Refinery 29 surveyed 566 women regarding the single most important issue in the 2016 presidential election. Protecting gun rights scored 11 percent, following major issues including terrorism, the economy, immigration and health care.

In an interview with NBC News, Ryan Bradley, a 24-year-old NRA grassroots field representative, emphasizes facts over emotion when it comes to millennials’ approach to the gun issue. The fact that his generation has not been lost is good news for freedom’s future.