Pennsylvania Says Hunting is Key to Deer Management

Pennsylvania Says Hunting is Key to Deer Management

The Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) recently amended its application process for deer-control permits, touting public hunting as a key management tool in addressing burgeoning whitetail deer populations across the state. The new procedure, which went into effect Aug. 20, requires deer-control permit applicants to indicate whether licensed public hunting has ever been implemented in the given problem area and to explain how hunting will be used during the permit's specified time period.

The new rule was applauded by the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation and like-minded hunting organizations for promoting hunting as a necessary wildlife management tool that also enhances hunter access and hunting opportunities. “Hunting remains the most efficient and effective method for dealing with issues of overabundant deer,” said Jeff Crane, President of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation. “Further, and unlike the various alternative management options often argued for by animal rights groups, hunting is revenue positive for both the general economy as well as the state fish and wildlife agency.” The move to address areas of whitetail deer overpopulation will provide crucial funding for wildlife conservation programs though the American System of Conversation Funding while hunters' dollars spent on meals, lodging and other services benefit the Pennsylvania economy.

The PGC decision could not come at a better time as anti-hunters continue their push to end all hunting in favor of forcing states to hire sharpshooters to do the job American hunters do for free. And as for what happens to all of this healthy, high-protein, low-cholesterol venison, hunters feed their families, share it with friends and also donate the meat to local Hunters for the Hungry programs to help feed those less fortunate in their own communities.